Violet Nantume
Curatorial Committee Chairperson
Nantume is a Project Manager at 32° East | Ugandan Arts Trust. Public programmes that focus on dialogue inform her curatorial interests: panel discussions, artist-audience talks and the documenting, archiving and accessibility of information on contemporary Ugandan art to a public audience. Nantume was selected for and attended the 3rd Asiko Art School, organised by CCA Lagos (Nigeria) and titled "The Archive, Static, Embodied, Practiced".
Moses Serubiri
Serubiri Moses is a Ugandan writer and photographer. His recent writing on the car as a metaphor for postcolonial Ugandan experience conflates art criticism, history, and theory of language. He has produced work for Chimurenga Chronic, Another Africa and Contemporary And, amongst others. Serubiri is the Associate Editor of Start Journal of Arts and Culture (Uganda) and a current intern for Contemporary And. He is currently writing on identity in Hip Hop, as seen on the streets of Kampala.
Hasifa Mukyala
Hasifa is the Gallery Administrator at the Makerere University, Institute of Heritage, Conservation and Restoration. Her passion lies in the conservation and preservation of Ugandan art and artefacts. Her work at Makerere involves a broad and diverse array of activities, including: co-curating of exhibitions, conserving and archiving of the Makerere Art Gallery permanent collection. She participated in the curatorial training of the Bayimba / 32° East workshop and participated in an internship exchange to the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare.
Phillip Balimunsi
Balimunsi is a visual artist and an upcoming curator based at an independent art studio, Philbal art studio. He is pursuing an interest Ugandan art history and its relation to contemporary practice. He is a national art judge of Youth Alive Uganda and was selected for and attended the Bayimba / 32° East Curators Workshop, co-curating “Know Go Zone” and “Dance in the City”. His artistic practice has been exhibited in Zandjik, Boxmeer-Netherlands and throughout his hometown, Kampala.
Robinah Nansubuga
Nansubuga is a curator and a project manager (32° East). Her curatorial interests lie in locality, accessibility and engagement. She took part in the Bayimba / 32° East Curators Workshop, resulting in an exhibition: “The Know Go Zone”. She further went on to co-curate “Dance in the City” at the National Theatre and as part of Dance Transmissions Festival. Nansubuga has been involved with Fas-Fas Gallery, Kampala and the Laba! Street Art Festival (Goethe-Zentrum UGCS). She travelled to South Africa in 2012 to take part in the Independent Curators International workshop (Bag Factory, Johannesburg).
Gabi Ngcobo
Curatorial Committee Advisor
Gabi Ngcobo is an artist, independent curator and educator based in Johannesburg. Ngcobo has collaboratively and independently conceptualised projects in South Africa and internationally. In 2011 she curated “DON'T/PANIC,” an exhibition that coincided with the 17th UN Global Summit on Climate Change (COP17) in Durban. She is the first POOL Curatorial Fellow, and her exhibition some a little sooner, some a little later was held at the Zurich POOL/LUMA Westbau space from June-September 2013. As co-founder of the Center for Historical Reenactments (CHR), a project based in Johannesburg, Ngcobo curated “PASS-AGES: references & footnotes” at the old Pass Office in Johannesburg and contributed to a two-year long project “Xenoglossia, a research project,” culminating in two projects; “After-after Tears” in New York and “Xenoglossia, the exhibition” in Johannesburg, 2013. Ngcobo is a graduate of the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, New York. She is faculty member at the Wits School of Arts, Fine Arts Division in Johannesburg.
Curatorial Committee Member
Curatorial Committee Member
Curatorial Committee Member
Curatorial Committee Member